The Inn

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Project Layout.

Phase 1 - Preliminary - Completed

This phase in the project outlines project objectives and completes all the preliminary documents required to understand the project.

This phase has been completed with documentation the proof of concept has been proven and provides the knowledge to continue.

Phase 2 - Website - Completed

Design and build a small website containing a lot of the work so far. It is to contain a forum and a members area. Further information will be added later.

The site has been developed and is currently available a small members area is now online and plans are to increase the member base with a few test accounts.

Phase 3 - Alpha

The purpose is to build a development server and start development on the engine. The engine must be able to perform certain tasks before this is completed. The alpha version of the code will then be left running on the development system.

We currently have a development environment in which we have a working engine. Further work is required in order to complete this section.

Phase 4 - Members Area

Expansion of the members area will be required in order for the integration into the alpha engine. The alpha engine will be required to be deployed on a live system

Not started

Phase 5 - Graphics

This will require the development of a 3D model of the game that can be used in both the members area and main site. These graphics are only the basis of bringing everything together.

A 3D model has been designed and made up. Further graphics required

Phase 6 - Registration

A new section for registration will be required at this point to allow members of the public to register for the first time. This will also allow drone accounts to be created and monitored.

Not started

Phase 7 - Beta

This will be the first production enviroment and will enhance the features of the engine. The email function will also be added here.

Not started.

Phase 8 - Release candidate

This will be the first release of the engine components via Pro Comp ltd.

Not started.

Last updated February 08 2018.
Designed by My